Friday, May 2, 2014

Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)

If you want to draw butterflies to your garden, here are some flowers that attract all species.
Shown here is the Buddleia Butterfly Bush, it grew to about 7 ft. last summer. It also can be found in a dwarf size. Colors vary from white, dark pink and shades of purple.
Another popular one is the Butterflyweed, usually started from seed. Common Black-Eyed Susans attract the Painted Lady Butterfly. Zinnias are a good choice as well as the verbenas.
Once your flower garden is complete, just sit back and enjoy watching the butterflies drift in on the breeze and enjoy the flowers, so relaxing and don't forget GOD put all this beauty here for us to enjoy.

"O sing unto the LORD a new song; for HE hath done marvelous things: HIS right hand and HIS holy arm, hath gotten HIM the victory."
Psalm 98:1

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