Sunday, January 12, 2014


As the warmer days are here for awhile I took to the woods around our home today in search of signs that Spring is not far away. I found these Nandina shrubs scattered all through the woods thanks to the birds and wildlife who depend on their berries for food. They are a member of the Berberidaceae family and are native to most of North America.  They are native to Eastern Asia as well and maybe were brought here by immigrants as a lot of our plants were. They are an evergreen with leaves changing color with the seasons. In early summer, they bloom tiny white flowers which later become the beautiful red berries. Leaves begin at light green and go to deep red. 
In Asia, this plant is called Heavenly Bamboo and Friendship Plant. They are used in many of the beautiful Japanese gardens and planted by entrance ways to homes as a sign of a friendly welcome to visitors. They are very hardy and drought tolerant.

"The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple."
Psalms 119:130

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