Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Deptford Pink (Dianthus armeria)


I discovered this tiny pink flower last year and was unable to identify it. I think I have found the correct information.

Deptford Pink is a member of the Dianthus or "Pink" family which we have all had in our gardens at one time or another. It is very small and grows to about 2 1/2 feet tall. The long stem and leaves are grey-green.
The thing that interested me the most is the blue fuzzy stamens, very unusual. It is a distant relative of the pink phlox or prairie phlox.

I have not found any information as to it growing in Texas. Some info was from northern states and Europe and Portugal. It gets its name Deptford from the place it was first discovered in Europe. If anyone has different info on this flower, please post a comment.

"O sing unto the LORD a new song; for  HE hath done marvelous things: HIS right hand, and HIS holy arm, hath gotten HIM the victory."
Psalm 98:1


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