Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rio Grande Copper Lily

Here is another new find for me. These are just beautiful and were found growing in large masses. The Copper Lily grows to about 10" and the flower is only 1 3/8" in diameter.

This is another of the rain lilies. They bloom in August, September and October. Late summer and fall rains bring these beauties forth a couple days after rainfall. A single flower on a stem with no leaves. Once the flower withers, leaves will appear.

They are a perennial herb and require moisture and sunshine to thrive. They are such a beautiful fall golden color with deep red inside. They can be found in north and south east and central parts of Texas.

It is believed that the bulbs of this lily were brought to North American by Spanish missionaries in the late 1700s. Another name is Stagger Grass and they are very strikingly beautiful.

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:"

Matthew 6:28

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