Thursday, September 22, 2011

A New Feed Trough!!!

Seems everyone is coming to see what all the racket is about. Grandpa has built a new feeder for our critters.

After all the local wildfires, the wildlife has moved back in and searching for anything to eat. As usual Mr. Coon is trying to "hawg" all the corn. Mr. Fox even came to see what the fuss was about.

Many of our wildlife were killed in the wildfires. Now, they have few vines and grass as over 50,000 acres has burned. We try to do our part to keep them fat and sleek. We love to see our critters feeding.

"A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals."

Proverbs 12:10

1 comment:

Alpo said...

There seems to be a lot of feed on the ground. Who made that mess? it's nice to have a bountiful aupply.

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