Friday, September 16, 2011

Giant Swallowtail

As fall arrives, beautiful butterflies begin a feeding frenzy as they prepare to migrate south for the winter months.

This swallowtail was in my garden and just softly floated on the wind all around me allowing me to get a picture. This one is feeding on the yellow lantana, which is one of their favorite flowers, along with bonesets and thistles. They are identified by the diagonal yellow spot band on each forewing. This is the largest of the swallowtails in North American. They love piney wood areas as we have in northeast Texas. They are also found in great abundance in Florida and can be found in orange groves. Their caterpillars are referred to as Orange Dogs or Orange Puppies and can be a nuisance in orange groves. I was happy to find this one in my garden today. It enjoyed the cool water as I sprayed the garden .

The Butterfly is the symbol of the Resurrection. It lays its eggs and soon dies, only to return as a caterpillar that will form a chrysalis and emerge to a new life as another beautiful butterfly. What a wonderful plan and imagination our LORD has. I thank HIM for the beauty and peace that I find in my garden.

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