Friday, September 23, 2011

Wild Sumac

On this first day of fall it is surprising to see such beautiful colors appear. The long hot summer and severe drought has caused many vines, shrubs and trees to die. Many of our huge 100+ year old oaks have died.

The sumac is thriving and putting forth it beautiful colors.

Birds love to eat the seed pods which are a dark maroon color.
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven:"

Ecclesiates 3:1


Anonymous said...

Glad to see they survived the summer. I've always loved sumacs in the fall-you're making me homesick.

Brenda said...

I miss you too and all our exploring especially in the fall. A few flowers are beginning to appear. keep watching as I post new finds.
You can always move back this way if you like!!!
Your NF

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