Tuesday, December 8, 2009

He's Back!!

We haven't had many raccoons lately. Looks like this one has been eating somewhere, largest one we've ever seen. But then, they are getting their winter fur now and makes themlook a bit "fluffy". Ha! Isn't he cute?
As the temperatures have dropped to freezing at night, more and more animals are returning for food at night. We are happy to see them return. We are careful not to bother our animals and make them feel as safe as possible and keep the feeder full so they will return.
"For thou art my hope, O LORD GOD: thou art my trust from my youth."
Psalm 71: 5

1 comment:

Merry said...

i put cat food on my porch every day for my little feral cat colony. birds, raccoons, squirrels and possums are happy (and welcome) to share. i love it when i find the raccoon babies out there. never see possum babies.

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