Sunday, October 20, 2013

Narrow-Leaf Gayfeather (Liatris mucronata)

Fall brings the beautiful Gayfeathers which can be found in large colonies. They grow about 2-3 feet tall, a single spike of beautiful lavender flowers. They have an abundance of nectar and are a favorite of butterflies as they begin a feeding frenzy preparing for their flight to a warmer climate for the winter months.

Another common name is Tall Blazing Star and Liatris. These can be started from seeds and adapt well to gardens. They are very drought tolerant and withstand the cold as well.  We discovered this hilltop where all the timber had been cleared and as sunlight made its way to the soil, beautiful wildflowers popped up everywhere. There were butterflies all around us, it was beautiful. Click on the pictures for a better look.

"HE shall cover thee with HIS feathers, and under HIS wings shalt thou trust: HIS truth shall be thy shield and buckler."
Psalm 91:4 KJV

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