Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Texas Thistle

This is one of the showiest of our Texas wildflowers. It is a member of the Aster family.

Texas Thistle blooms from April through July and is very tolerant of the hot Texas summers. It is similar to the Basket Flower but it not as branched out. These plants grow from 2-5 feet tall and have such beautiful flowers. They are often found growing in fields and open areas in full sun.

They are very attractive to butterflies, especially the Painted Lady. Her eggs are deposited underneath the leaves of the plant and her larvae feed upon them. This plant is also similar to the large Bull Thistle but does not have its prickly characteristics.

Goldfinches love to eat the seeds of this plant and use the dried fluff of seeds to line their nests. Texas Thistle is found in almost all zones of Texas.

"Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice."

Psalm 96:12

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