Monday, October 18, 2010

Mexican Primrose Willow

Member of Evening-Primrose family
Blooms: July - October
This plant is a perennial shrub which grows to about 3 feet and require a lot of moisture. Sometimes it can be found growing in the marshes or edges of lakes. It likes full sun and is considered herbaceous.
The flowers of this plant are lemon yellow with 4 petals and are very detailed and showy. They are about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Click for a closer look at the detail of its petals.
The Mexican Primrose Willow is also known as False Loosestrife or Narrow Leaf Primrose. Its blooms are rich in nectar making them very attractive to butterflies. The leaves are a larval host of the Water Primrose Hornworm Moth.
"And they shall spring up as among the grass, and willows by the waters courses."
Isaiah 44:4

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