Saturday, October 2, 2010


Member of Sunflower family

Blooms in September - November

As fall begins the woods and fields are covered in beautiul goldenrods. They can reach up to 6 feet tall and often are found in huge colonies. They have abundant amounts of nectar and pollen. Pollen seeking insects pollinate the plant and butterflies love its sweet nectar. Its name is derived from the Latin word "solidago" which means "to make whole" relating to its healing properties.

This beautiful plant often gets blamed for hayfever and asthma in the fall, but it is not so, the common culprit is the Ragweed. Goldenrod is not wind pollinated, it is only pollinated by insects. This beautiful patch was swarming with all kinds of insects and this beautiful Monarch butterfly who stopped by just long enough for me to take its picture. Isn't it beautiful?
Native Americans used it for many medicinal purposes. They drank teas made from its roots for disgestive problems and used the flowers to make beautiful yellow dyes.
"And I looked and beheld a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like the Son of man, having on HIS head a golden crown, and in HIS hand a sharp sickle."
Revelation 14:14

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