Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Poison Ivy

This plant is very toxic to most people. It causes a red rash with blisters that are quite painful and can spread rapidly if not treated.
Poison Ivy is a small bush and Poison Oak is a large vine which grows up into trees. Fall seems to be the worst time to encounter it. Many hunters climb up into tree stands to hunt and come in contact with the poisonous vines. It like the Virginia Creeper shown below often have bright red and gold leaves in fall and often cover tree trunks and limbs.
The second picture is often mistaken for poison ivy, it is the Virginia Creeper. It is completely harmless to humans.
An easy way to remember is "leaves of 3, leave it be!

1 comment:

Alpo said...

I'm an authority on this one. I'm just now recuperating from my last round. After direct contact, I washed with the poison ivy wipes, then soap and water. Voila! No rash - cool, until about the third day, here comes the itch, blisters and rash. It has taken almost three weeks for my skin to return to normal. Be careful out there.

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