Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Clematis Vine

Member of Crowfoot family
Blooms: March - July
This is such a delicate and beautiful tiny vine. We found it growing along a barbwire fence down a back country road. It is the only time I have seen it in our area. Its tiny blooms are smaller than a thimble and a light lavender color. The seed plume is just beginning to open on this one. When fully open, it will be a ball of fluffy seeds which will be scattered by the wind.
Just this past week as we made our usual ride in search of new flowers, we found the pod that is left after all the seeds have blown away. It is almost as beautiful as the flowers. Click on it and look at the design and detail. So much beauty just hidden away where practically no one ever sees it. Native Americans used a tea from chopped stems for severe headaches. They also crushed the entire plant making a paste which was put onto the skin to relieve itching rashes.


Kristy said...

Wow! That is a cool one!!! ~titus

Merry said...

sweet little flower. love the after pod.

caphoty is my word verification. i want a job making these words up!

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