Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Red-Veined Darter Dragonfly

Isn't this a pretty one!! Sometimes it would be nice to be a beautiful , graceful dragonfly or butterfly and just fly around in the sunshine and ride the wind and visit all the beautiful flowers. No worries, just "havin' fun all day". This one is very pretty . A new find for me.
Click for a closer look at the beautiful patterns of the red veins in the wings. Doesn't GOD have such great design and such an awesome imagination?
Praise HIS wonderful name for all the beautiful things he creates for us to admire----free of charge!!!
Ancient myths symbolize the dragonfly as a symbol of happiness, purity , harmony and strength. Native Americans thought they were the souls of their dead. So beautiful, though they live a very short life span. They are also known as "a creature of the wind". If you see one, take time to look upon his beauty and admire him, for he won't be here for very long. A good lesson for us all, enjoy what you have for tomorrow it could be gone. Treasure each day and acknowledge it's blessings and tiny miracles.

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