Friday, April 23, 2010


Member of Asteracea Family
Blooms: April - Summer
This is such a beautiful colored flower. It's color is called "azure" blue. The Cornflower is among the very few wildflowers that are truly blue in color. They can be found on roadsides in large colonies. The soil nutrients determine it's colors, they range from pure white to pinks, purples and this gorgeous blue.
They can be started from seeds and do well in gardens. They are quite impressive grown in large numbers.
Other common names are "Batchelor Buttons" and "Star Thistle". It's leaves and stalk are a silvery-green.
In folklore, young men in love wore this flower, if it faded too quickly, that meant that his love would not be returned.
Medicinally, a decotion was made by Native Americans and early settlers that was effective in treated conjunctivitis and used as a wash for tired eyes.

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