Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Happy Birthday, Chloe"

Today is our sweet girl, Choe's 1st birthday. The picture below is when we first brought her home from the kennel.
She has really grown and still a real handful, but very loveable.
Her favorite things are: Rawhide bone time and watching tv with Grandma and Grandpa at night and most of all,
"tummy rubs".


Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Chloe!

Merry said...

well, chloe i have your 'birthday' down as march 28, because i think (maybe, unless i've really got my dates messed up) that's the day that brenda brought you home. anyway, i'll correct that for next year!
tummy rubs, little girl!

hawgsndawgsnlawgs said...

Happy Birthday Chloe! Glad you got to experience your first big snow this week!

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