Monday, November 30, 2009

Golden Hickory Tree

We have a lot of hardwood trees in North East Texas, this one is the Hickory. It turns a beautiful yellow-gold color in fall.
Hickory trees are from the genus Carya, a greek word meaning "nut".

They produce round light brown nuts that are enclosed in a 4 part outer shell. In fall, the shell opens up and the nuts fall to the ground. It's nutshell if very hard, similar in texture to bone. They are very hard to crack open. They have a wonderful flavor and can be used in cookies and cakes. I am adding a picture of the shells that squirrels have chewed through this very hard shell and gotten to the tasty treat inside. A lot of hard work for a few tiny bites, but is one of their favorites. They will store them up for winter. Click on picture for a better look.
This is another example of how GOD cares for his animals. He gives them an abundant supply of tasty things to eat and to sustain them through the winter. Everything he created has it's purpose.
"Be still and know that I am GOD: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10

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