Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Home Sweet Home"

You can make your own wildlife sanctuary in your back yard. My husband builds bird feeders and squirrel houses in the woods in our back yard. This was intended for a bird feeder and birdhouse, instead the flying squirrels have "moved in". Look closely and you can see how they have chewed the front door out to suit their size.
This feeder / house was made from rough cedar slabs that we had left over from a job. We do lots of work with Red Cedar and always have lots of scraps left. You can use just about anything, the critters don't care much what it's made of, just so is dry and cozy. The cedar scraps look "natural" to them also and blend in with their surroundings.
Click for a closeup and see the tiny teeth marks where they have worked at "customizing" their little home.

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