Sunday, February 1, 2009


Look closely at the feeder and see two tiny flying squirrels getting their fill.
There are 43 species of flying squirrels, or Pteromyini, only two species are found in North America.
The term "flying" is misleading since they do not really fly. They are gliders and are incapable of true flight.
Steering is done by adjusting tautness of the patagium, largely controlled by a small cartilaginous wrist bone. The tail acts as a stabilizer in flight, much like the tail of a kite.
Their life expectancy is only about 5-6 years. They are nocturnal and have many predators: snakes, raccons (we have plenty of those), nocturnal owls, kingfishers, coyotes and the domestic house cat. These little guys must be pretty smart, because they keep coming almost everynight, despite all the "predators" that frequent the feeder. They do live in our houses we have placed in trees nearby. (They like Cheetos too!)

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