Monday, June 11, 2012

False Dragonhead (Physostegia digitalis)

This beauty is blooming now, June through August along our beautiful Texas highways. It is quite showy and can be found in large colonies. It loves wet ditches, but grows well in full sun along roadsides. It is a member of the Mint family (Lamiaceae).
False Dragonhead is also called Lion-Heart or Obedient  Plant. The flowers tend to stay in place when moved and do not go back to their original position giving it the name of "obedient". The genus of this plant closely resembles the plant Digitalis,which produces the valuable drug digitalin which is used in treatment of heart problems.

Plants can grow from 1 - 5 feet tall and have such beautiful flowers which bloom in a whorled fashion around its stem. They are a beautiful lavender color with a darker rose-purple inside each bloom and  purple specks inside the blooms. They are a great attraction for butterflies and hummingbirds as well as other insects. They are quite spectacular to see.

THOU didst divide the sea by THY strength: THOU breakest the heads of the dragons in the water.

Psalm 74:13

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