Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Texas Outhouse

I love to find old outhouses and old barns and homeplaces. Makes you wonder who lived there and all the things that happened there many years ago. I can remember when I was a child, we had an outhouse and I was scared to death to take the light and go in the middle of the night. Modern conveniences are such a blessing!
One of the many things that we take for granted.
My cousin, who comes to visit from Mississippi and I used to ride the back roads in the Kawasaki Mule and she would take a picture of every old outhouse that we saw.
We had such a great time just being silly and laughing together. This picture is for you, Cuz.


Merry said...

i like them, too, as a relic of a bygone age. i was afraid of spiders in them. i only had to use the one at papa' and other mama's (my mama's mom and dad). thank God for indoor plumbing. i

Alpo said...

Love the door wreath. Makes it more homey.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cuz.....I didn't see this one on our mule ride...did you hang the wreath?

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