Monday, September 7, 2009

The Buck Stops Here

Last night we had 3 bucks come to feed. The one with the small antlers is an older deer. As they get older, their antlers come back smaller each year.

The two young bucks are really looking good, an eight point and six point, but not finished yet.....probably will have more points by winter. In January the bucks will shed their antlers and then grow new ones in early summer. Their antlers are made up of calcium and minerals which rodents feed on after they are shed. Mother Nature does not waste anything. Maybe we should all think about that and be a bit more conservative and appreciate the many blessing we so often take for granted. Maybe we could learn a few valuable lessons by watching the animals.
We keep big mineral blocks in the feeder all the time. They love to lick it and it gives them the nutrients to be strong and grow healthy antlers. The blocks are called "The Buck Stops Here" mineral blocks. They also provide salt. Our deer are pampered as you can tell and we see they get a well balanced diet, occasionally a few pears and sometimes an extra special treat ---- watermelon rinds! (Can't forget the cute raccoons, as you can tell, they are not lacking in their diet either!) They love "Meow Mix". Tastes like fish!

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