Sunday, August 23, 2009

Yellow Tiger Swallowtail Dines

Isn't this butterfly beautiful. I have tried to include lots of plants in my garden that attract butterflies and I have had an abundance of them this year. Each one is so detailed and beautiful. This one fluttered all around me as I stood still waiting for the perfect shot. Such beautiful colors and such a graceful flight.
In the background is the purple Victorian Sage, This one is feeding on Penta. I also have different colors of Lantana, sages, butterfly bushes and Esperanzas. Keep the right plants available and you will have a large variety of butterflies in your garden.


Merry said...


Kristy said...

great pics! We love the mule picture!

Merry said...

mule? what mule? how on earth did i miss a mule?! :)

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