Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rose of Sharon

This shrub is also called Althea. It can grow quite tall and blooms in summer. There are several varieties of this shrub, some have single blooms that resemble the Hibiscus and some have double. They range from white to different shades of pink and lavender.

This plant was found on friends place, a former homeplace. The previous owner had grafted 3 different types to one shrub. Part had double white blooms, part had single pink and then this double lavender one that is blooming now. Before I could get a picture of all 3, the maintenance man cut most of it down. He thought it was just brush!! It is making it's come-back and this part is in full bloom. Click to see how beautiful it is.

"I AM the rose of Sharon"

Song of Solomon 2:1

1 comment:

Alpo said...

My friend Cheryl gave me three varieties of these to plant in Marvin's memory. Two are are the farm, but my favorite is a dark red and planted in my backyard so I can see it from the kitchen window. It's so beautiful & I told you the story of how the streetlight shines through my handicap railing & makes a lighted cross on the tree. So beautiful. Occasionally I do something right.

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