Saturday, May 10, 2014

Purple Pleat-Leaf (Aldophia drummondii)

This is one of my very favorite wildflowers, so detailed and delicate, not to mention unusual. It is a member of the Iris family and blooms April through June. This perennial grows to about 2 ft. tall and has usually 2 blade-like leaves, having one bloom at a time on a single stem. They have often been called wild orchids. If you notice on the flower, smaller petals resemble tiny purple and yellow butterflies. They are found in eastern and central parts of Texas. Growing conditions are dry soils, sandy areas of prairies and woodlands. These are in large quantities at the edge of our back woods in the shaded areas. They open early and close up by noon.

Purple Pleat-Leaf is named for its founder, Scottish botanist Thomas Drummond (1790-1835). He studied plants in Texas and throughout North America.

"I know that, whatsoever GOD doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and GOD doeth it, that men should fear before HIM."
Ecclesiates 3:14

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