Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Texas Squaw-weed ( Senecia ampullaceus)

Texas Squaw-weed, also referred to as Texas Groundsel, Ragwort and Clasping-Leaf Groundsel is one of the first spring wildflowers. It often covers entire pastures with a blanket of solid golden yellow blooms. It is an annual and blooms from April to May. Bees and Butterflies are highly attracted to these blooms.
Cattle and wildlife will not graze this plant because of its toxic alkaloids. Symptons of toxicity are weight loss, liver damage and aggressiveness, all leading to death. Native Americans used parts of this plant in aid to pregnancy and also in excessive amount in  ending pregnancy.
"HE health the broken in  heart and bindeth up their wounds."
Psalm 147:3 KJV

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