Thursday, August 9, 2012

Interesting Fungi

There are very few flowers blooming now due to the excessive heat and drought. Soon they will begin to appear letting us know that fall is near.

I used this piece of oak firewood to set my plant on and it has turned into an interesting sight. Due to daily watering the fungi has covered the wood. The second picture is "coral" fungi as it looks similar to the coral that grows in the sea. It grew around the trailing plant and completely wrapped around it. Such strange things we can find, if we take the time to look.

I see that I have quite a few blog watchers out there. I appreciate your browsing and hopefully soon will have some fall pictures for you to enjoy. Take time to notice your surroundings and be blessed by the beauty the Creator has put out there for us to enjoy.

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy, at THY right hand there are pleasures for everyone.

Psalm 16:11

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