Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Flowering Spurge (Euphorbia corollata)

These tiny little flowers belong to the Spurge family. They begin blooming in early summer but their peak bloom time is in fall. They prefer sandy, poor soils, usually found along wood lines in shady areas. They grow 1-3 feet in height. Each tall stem has a flower "head" which consists of many tiny flowers. The white "petals" are not actually petals, they are simply white tissue which supports the tiny flower in the center. Flowering Spurge has a milky sap which is an irritant to skin and eyes. Each "head" of flowers has only one female flower.

Cherokee Indians used a treatment made from this plant for cancer, as a purgative, and made an ointment for sores. Roots were crushed and used to treat for pin worms and urinary tract diseases.

These are very showy little plants, but cannot be successfully transplanted because they have a very long tap root. Another beautiful tiny creation of the CREATOR.

"The Heavens declare the glory of GOD; and the firmament sheweth HIS handiwork."
Psalm 19: 1


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