Friday, July 20, 2012

Giant Swallowtail

This beautiful butterfly is our largest in North America. It is found in southern parts from Florida to Texas. Its wingspan usually is from 4 - 6 1/4 inches. It is very similar to the Tiger Swallowtail, but has different markings.

Even with my high speed camera I still could not capture a clear picture as its beautiful wings fluttered fast and furiously. The Giant Swallowtails favor Lantana, shown here, Thistles and Bonesets.

I had to be patient with this one and wait for a good shot, as it flew quickly from flower to flower, careful not to let me too near. After a few moments, it flew up, up and away into the sky.

Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwelleth in the heavens.

Psalm 123:1

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