Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wild Texas Sunflowers

These beauties were growing in the fields and along roadsides and in pastures near Austin.

Wild Sunflowers are very drought tolerant and thrive in the hot sun. They are a troublesome weed to farmers in areas where crops are planted as they overtake the crops. They are very beautiful and "happy" looking flowers. Sunflowers are referred to as heliotropic, meaning their heads follow the sun, giving them their name---sunflower.

Sunflowers have many uses, from cooking oils to butters called "sun butter" made from the seeds to use in place of peanut butter. Sunflower oil for cooking is healthier for you than even expensive Olive Oils.

Native Americans called the Sunflower their "Fourth Sister" and planted them along side their gardens. Their "Third Sister" was corn, squash and beans which were their main foods grown.

"And GOD made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: HE also made the stars."

Genesis 2:16

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