Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rustic Sphinx Moth

I found this pretty and strange looking moth today.

I have not been able to identify it. If anyone knows it's name, please comment. I am almost pretty sure it is a Sphinx moth.
Such unique markings, I have never seen one like this before. Click on picture to see his unique markings. It was a large moth, with wings about 4" across.
****Thanks to a friend in Austin, who has a friend who "knows his bugs" he has identified this beautiful moth.
The Rustic Sphinx Moth, a member of the Hawkmoth family. It is nocturnal and adults usually begin to feed about 10:00 p.m. They love deep throated flowers such as Moonflowers, Angel Trumpets and Petunias. Their wing span can reach up to 6". When perched on a tree, their beautiful markings make them almost invisible, nature's way of its own camoflauge. Pretty!!!
Thanks Merry and thanks to your friend. :)


Merry said...

i have a neighbor that knows his bugs!

That's a rustic sphinx moth. Manduca rustica.

Merry said...

nathan. he's a great neighbor and is the one that caught the snake on my front porch a few months back. and, released it unharmed in a happier, snake-friendly place.

Jen said...

We had one of these in the garage the other day...

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