Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Gray Hairstreak Butterfly

This tiny butterfly was enjoying a tasty treat in my garden in a patch of Spotted Beebalm, which is a favorite of Hairstreaks and bees.
Hairstreak Butterflies get their name from their tails which are short and threadlike and found on their hindwings. They love woodlands and are very small.
This particular one is only 1 1/4" - 1 3/8" across its wings. The Gray is one of the most common in North American and they are everywhere in my garden. So tiny, yet so beautiful. You can identify them by their gray color and the orange spots at the bottom of the hindwing and their trailing tails. They flutter around very rapidly and always have closed wings when perched. They love sweet nectar and most plants with tiny flowers.
Such beauty and wondrous works of our LORD.
I thank HIM each time I see HIS beauty in my garden.
"Enter into the gates with thanksgiving, and into HIS courts with praise: be thankful unto HIM, and bless HIS name."
Psalm 100:4

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