Monday, July 26, 2010

Blue Waterleaf

Member of Waterleaf Family
Blooms: August - October
This is one of the bluest of the wildflowers. Not many are a true blue, but this one is just beautiful. The color is called Azure Blue.
This is only the second time I have found this plant. It grows in shallow waters near lakes, swamps and moist road ditches. I spotted this large clump of beautiful blue blooms along the highway in a ditch standing in water. It was swarmed by tiny Skipper Butterflies. It is commonly found in North and South East and Central parts of Texas. It flowers on into the Autumn, producing an abundant supply of pollen and nectar for fall insects. It is a perennial and grows up to about 3 ft. tall in dense colonies. It has no significant food source for wildlife, although the parts that decompose under water are eaten by invertebrates.
"Who giveth rain upon the Earth, and sendeth water upon the flields."
Job 5:10

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