Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rain Lily

Member of Amaryllis Family

Blooms: Spring - September

I have not seen this wildflower here until today. I saw it in Austin last year at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center and loved it. It is such a beautiful flower.

Rain Lily grows all over the United States, but is highly concentrated in Texas. While it may bloom in spring, the most frequent flowering is in late summer and fall. They mosly only appear for a day or two after a rain. It is also called Drummond Rain-Lily. There is a similar but larger flowering giant rain-lily that blooms more often in spring and early summer.

"consider the lilies of the fields, consider how they grow, they neither toil nor spin"

Matthew 6:28


1 comment:

Alpo said...

Brenda, I have these in my front flower beds in Lewisville. I did not plant them - so I know they've been there a long time. they bloom at the most unexpected times - after a big rain (or when I've left the sprinklers on too long). They are lovely & always a nice surprise.

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