Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Flowering Almond Shrub

This shrub is a member of the rose family (Roseacea). It blooms in early spring and is covered with beautiful pink and white colored little flowers. It usually grows about 4 ft. tall.
When I researched this shrub it stated that this was an old-fashioned shrub that had been around for many years........kind of reminded you of your Grandmother's yard. Well, this one indeed came from my Grandmother's yard and I started a small bush she gave me almost 30 years ago. After it blooms, it will put out small leaves similiar to peach leaves. It is very drought tolerant and will multiply quite well at it's base. Though it is called an almond, it does not bear almonds. It is a relative of the peach, plum, cherry and apricot trees.

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