Monday, March 22, 2010

"Little Did He Know"

I see these guys grazing every morning when I go to work. Today they were at the fence munching on a big round bale of hay. I had to stop and try for a picture. Isn't he cute!! I got him to eat grass from my hand while I got him to strike a good pose.
Long ago a donkey carried the Virgin Mary into the city of Bethlehem for the baby JESUS to be born. Later the donkey carried JESUS into Jerusalem to be tried and crucified so that we might be forgiven for our sins and have eternal life. GOD chose the donkey for a very special job.
"Little did he know" he would carry the great MESSIAH on his back. "Little did he know that he was special."
"Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. They waved palm branches and spread their garments out on the road as JESUS entered Jerusalem."

1 comment:

Alpo said...

I love this picture. There were a jack & a jenny who lived across the road from the farm and everytime we would drive up, they would recognize the truck & come up to the fence for Marvin to scratch their ears or give them a treat. It was hysterically funny when the jack would start to bray & I'd tell Marvin: "Your brother is calling you."

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