Thursday, March 11, 2010

Annual Wildflower Trails

In the Piney Woods of North East Texas are three small towns that have been celebrating wildflowers for 40 years.
Each year during the last weekend of April, they have vendors with crafts, games, good foods , photography contests and many more activties, all in celebration of the beautiful Texas Wildflowers.
Ladybird Johnson made the highways going through these small towns Wildflower Trails Highways. They are strewn with all types of beautiful wildflowers. In this little area over 2,000 different species have been identified. Each year as I search and photograph wildflowers, I find ones I have never seen before. With all the rains we have had there will surely be an abundance of them this year.
"The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come.....
Song of Solomon2:12

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