Friday, January 22, 2010

Something You Will Probably Never Find

This was sent to me and is so incredible. Mother Hummingbird is sitting on her 2 tiny eggs, each about the size of a pea. The delicately made nest is the size of a 1/2 of walnut shell. Notice the soft, comfy lining and the green mosses around the outside.
They lay 2 eggs each time. From hatching until they leave the nest is about 24 days.
I have searched for nest for years and have never found one. Just one of GOD's many miracles. So tiny and so beautiful. GOD is good and HIS wonders never cease to amaze us.

1 comment:

Merry said...

have seen pictures before, but would love to see one in person. i have a hard time with the concept of such a tiny little egg and baby bird. absolutely amazing. dinosaurs to hummingbirds-God's wonders never cease to amaze, indeed.

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