Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cardinal Flower

How strange is this plant.....member of Bluebell Family.
I searched for this plant for years. I saw one about 10 years ago, looked every year, was not there. I found this one this past fall and wrote down where I saw it. It is so beautiful. I took this picture going to work, still kind of dark so the flower really showed up against the darkness.
It blooms in October and November. It's leaves contain alkaloids making it toxic. Indians dried it's leaves and smoked them. It made them have erotic behavior and have hallucinations. It is documented that many over dosed and died from smoking it.
It is a very beautiful plant and quite rare in these parts.
It is a favorite of hummingbirds and butterflies. I guess Mother Nature protects them from it's toxins. Maybe that's why they buzz around so fast! Ha!
Click on the picture and see it's beautiful flowerets and the tiny dew drops on it's petals.

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