Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hello there! We had the best Christmas ever this year and are expecting a wonderful new year.
We had an old fashioned Christmas with acknowledging the true meaning of Christmas. Grandkids made it even more special. We have so much to be thankful for and know that what we have comes from GOD. We hope that your family enjoyed being together and sharing the real spirit of Christmas.
We are eagerly awaiting early spring as the wildflowers and things will be popping up. As for now, all we can show are our animal pictures and we really love those. We hope you enjoy those as well. Please keep watching and waiting-----soon have new pictures for 2010.
Have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Merry said...

harvey, we had a couple of rousing games of wahoo last night at dayspring's new year's eve watch night fellowship and service on the board you made! i never won. something must be wrong with the board...

Alpo said...

Merry, the board is fine. Harvey probably just neglected to pass along some of the finer points of play - like "moon rocks" and the old "snuff box roll". Keep playing. It's a fun game....

Merry said...

david won twice; convinced his dice was loaded...

it was a lot of fun, but merry gets very competitive and dislikes losing. ask the others i played with that night! :))

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