Saturday, October 10, 2009

Signs of Fall

This is the Shining Sumac that I have posted farther back. In fall it's leaves turn bright red and soon drop off, just leaving the red berry pods.
Fall is my favorite season. I love things about all the seasons, but fall is the best for me. I love the cool winds and the beauty of the trees as they change colors and especially when the winds blow and leaves fall across the yard. Some of the Hickory trees here are already bare. With all the rain we have had, we should have some really beautiful color this year. Fall to me is a time of resting from the long hot , dry summer days. Everything sheds it's foliage and goes into a sleep for the winter only to arise again in the spring and start anew.
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

1 comment:

Merry said...

spring's my favorite, but i also love fall, when we have one! i know why we don't rake and burn leaves nowadays, but i sure do miss that smell of autumn and the blaze at dusk. i refuse to rake the leaves in my yard because i love to see the blanket of color on the ground and the sound of walking through them. also, mine are cedar elm leaves and they start breaking down really fast, so they're like instant compost. oh, yeah, and because i'm lazy...

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