Sunday, October 25, 2009

Grandma and Chloe in Garden

This is my buddy and baby beagle, Chloe. She is nine months and a real handful. She is a rabbit dog, but mostly likes to chase Grandma. Ha!
As you can see, the leaves are covering the ground and sadly, my
flowers are going into their dormant stage for winter. Still have a few roses blooming and Esperanzas. Come spring, they will come back bigger and more beautiful.

I will miss my garden in winter, it is good therapy to work in a flower garden if only for a few moments everyday. I really enjoy it--- off limits to Chloe, she likes to bite the blooms off!!
Have a great day and may God bless !
"Love is not love until you give it away."


Kristy said...

This is a great picture of both of you. Had you given Chloe a box of benadryl or something to make her sit still?

Kristy said...

could you email us that picture?

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