Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Roses in Honor of Grandpa!

All the flowers are flourishing with all the rain and cooler days. The 4o degree mornings are wonderful. Seems the colors of the flowers intensify in the fall. All part of the changing of the seasons.
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8
This post if for my husband of 43 years, "Grandpa".
This week marks his 9th year of being cancer FREE!!
So many answered prayers. When things looked so bad, GOD answered all those prayers of family and friends and healed him. He helps me with this blog and loves "giving back" he says: "a debt he can never repay". We both enjoy doing this and get a blessing from it and hope you do as well. Always remember that GOD is in control in our lives, no matter what the situation may be and all things are possible through HIM. Never give up! When life seems hopeless, miracles really do happen.


hawgsndawgsnlawgs said...

That made me teary eyed! Very true and very well said. Sometimes people take life for granted...even me and I shouldn't.

Alpo said...

Did y'all walk this year in the "Light the Night"? I saw it on the news a few nights ago & wondered...
The nice thing about miracles is since they are from GOD, there is no limit on how many you can have when you pray and trust in HIM. Sure makes it easier to roll out of bed everyday when you expect something miraculous that day.

Merry said...

also, no limit on how big or how small they can be. i think some of the small ones slip by us.
amen to the blog and the comments.
i feel like i know all of you. :)

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