Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Don't Fence Me In"

Don't Fence Me In is a famous song about cowboys. This is our Cowboy "Titus", our youngest grandson.

Don't Fence Me In is one of the most famous songs written about cowboys and we love it here in Texas. It was written many years ago by Cole Porter. It has been sung by Gene Autry and Roy Rogers and many other artists.

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above,
Don't fence me in.

Let me ride through the wide open country that I love
Don't fence me in.

Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze,
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees;
Send me off forever but I ask you please,
Don't fence me in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a precious little man...and the song reminds me of my Mom who used to sing it when I was his size....

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