Friday, September 25, 2009

Another Beautiful Sunrise

Got this on way to work this morning. So many different shades of blues, grays and pinks. I love sunrises, especially ones like this with so many different colors and different clouds.
I don't see many sunsets because we live in a heavily wooded area and the trees hide the setting.
This particular spot is one of my favorites and I look at it each morning as I drive to work and think how magnificant GODs work is. Each day is a new morning and a new beginning. HE gives us all a new day to do our best and to reach out to others and share. Each day I strive to help at least one person. It may be a phone call to a sick person, someone who is having a hard time now and struggling, or just to cheer someone up that needs a kind word. It is so fulfilling. A dear friend said "you just never know who's heart you might touch". Such a good thought. If we all would struggle to help just one person each day, wouldn't the world be a more wonderful and happy place.? GOD has given us so many opportunities to share HIS love and so many people need to know that it is there for them also if they will only ask and receive it. I hope that someone will read this and be blessed by all the many miracles of our great LORD.
"For I, the LORD your GOD, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, Fear not, I AM the one who helps you."
Isaiah 41:12-13

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN influence more folks than you know with your posts and beautiful photos....I finally found you again on my every one of your posts, especially this one....

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