Monday, May 4, 2009

Catalpa Tree

Member of Trumpet Vine Family

Blooms: May

Catalpa, also spelled Catawba, is a genus of flowering plants in Trumpet Vine native to North American, the Carribbean and east Asia.

Catalpas are mostly deciduous and typically grow up to 60 ft. tall and will be covered with big bunches of the orchid like blooms. It has very large heart shaped leaves. Due to their leaf size, they provide very dark shade and are a popular habitat for many birds.

This tree is the food source for the Catalpa Sphinx Moth, the leaves being eaten by the caterpillars. The caterpillars will completely strip these trees of their leaves within a few days. The bright green caterpillars are excellent live bait for fishing. In the fall, the trees have long seed pods that open and scatter seeds. Other common names are "Indian Bean Tree" and "Cigar Tree". Click for closer look at these beautiful blooms----just spectacular. One more piece of GOD's beautiful handiwork.


Kristy said...

I like these!!! Very pretty!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi! i'm looking to do an art project with some catalpa tree leaves. i live in austin - by chance, can you tell me where i can find these trees?

thank you!

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