In North East Texas we have lots of Blueberry farms. They bloom early spring, usually in March. Click on picture to see the tiny delicate blooms and the black butterfly who is feasting on their sweet nectar. (This picture was previously posted, I pulled it up to add the actual blueberries, they are not full size yet, but will be soon. I thought I should get a picture before the deer discovered them.
If you love blueberries, like I do, you can go to the farms and pick your own or buy them at local produce stands. They are usually ripe middle June. Blueberries are very healthy for you, high in antioxidants and have a wonderful sweet taste.
And GOD said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth", and it was so.
Genesis 1:11
alpo, i think she's teasing us again. remember this?
Alpo said...
Call me when the berries are a pie.
Mar 9, 2009 9:27:00 AM
She's messin' w/ us. I left this comment on the "dew" berries - although come to think of it, I like blueberry pie too. Whichever one calls first, I'll come.
i know! how many other kinds of pie will she tempt us with?! too cruel...
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