Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Grandmother's Old Homeplace

This is a "Flowering Almond" bush that came from my Grandmother's old homeplace. It is near Caddo Lake in North East Texas. My Father lived there until he went into the Navy in WWII.

The Flowering Almond comes back year after year and blooms in mid March. It only blooms for a short time. My Grandmother called it a "Peach Rose". It's leaves do resemble peach leaves. She had flowers everywhere and would only water them with "cow-pattie" tea, made from rain water, which she collected in barrels and buckets and dried cow patties.

When we took the pictures of the house her pink rose had grown up the side of the east end of the house and there were daffodils growing in the front yard, though it had been vacant for many years. So many good memories there when my cousins and I would visit in the summertime. I can still see her standing on the front porch watching as we would drive away, waving until we were out of sight. She was a wonderful Grandmother and I miss her so. I will see her again one day in Heaven --- I just hope she can still bake teacakes---they were the best!!!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

These are great--I'm glad you got them up!

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