Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bluebells (Eustoma russellianum)

Bluebells are a member of the Gentian family and can be  found in all zones of Texas, though I have not yet found one. I took this photo from the Ladybird Johnson website. The search is still on and hopefully I will find one. One source of information said these beautiful wildflowers are almost extinct because of their beauty, people have dug them up or picked them before they mature to seeds.

Depending on soil nutrients, the color of these bell shaped flowers can vary from  blue, purple, pink, white and even yellow. I have lots of wildflowers in my garden that I have started from seeds gathered after the plant completed its bloom cycle. Once they are established, they will reseed themselves. Normal bloom time is June through September.

"And beneath upon the hem of it thou shalt make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the hem thereof; and bells of gold between them round about."
Exodus 28:33  KJV

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